It is important, for the comfort of your child, that all clothing is washable and easily managed. This is particularly important for those children expected to toilet themselves. Elasticated garments with as few buttons and zips as possible make life much easier for all the children, including those children who need to have a nappy changed.
The children have access to the outside area every day. When the weather is cold and wet, suitable warm coats are needed.
In the warm weather, sun hats should be worn. Sun cream should be applied before your child is brought in to pre-school. Strappy tops and open toed shoes should not be worn.
All children are expected to wear non slip comfortable shoes inside the hall. Outside shoes and boots can be changed in the hall, put in a carrier bag and hung up with your child’s coats.
All removable clothing, i.e. cardigans, jumpers, fleeces and coats should be clearly labelled with your child’s names.