Before Starting at Pre-School
Talk to your child in an encouraging way about what to expect.
Teach him/her how to put on and take off coats.
Encourage your child to sit and drink from an open cup.
Read to them on a regular basis and encourage active listening.
Try to give your child a few other positive experiences away from you.
If you feel you want to help with pencil control/early writing, please use lower case letters, except for the start of their name, e.g. Sarah.
After Starting Pre-School
Encourage your child to be sensible when it is time to leave you. Saying you are going to be sad without him/her will make it much harder on both of you.
Show an interest in what has happened during the session and indicate that you are pleased.
Give lots of praise and encouragement.
Try to set a pattern for regular attendance.
Take your child to the library and read to them regularly.
Talk to him/her at every opportunity and encourage a response, generating an interest in the surrounding world.
Be prompt when collecting your child. It can be very upsetting for them if they think they have been forgotten. If you are unavoidably detained, ring the pre-school and then the staff can reassure the child that you are on your way.
There is a late payment charge for every 15 minutes you are late collecting your child.