
At Tudor Cross Pre-School we feel that it is very important to develop good partnerships with parents. This will give your child the best possible start to life in the Pre-school. Mrs Burgess and the staff are always available to talk to you. The beginning and end of a session is a busy time and […]


If your child is ill and unable to attend pre-school, please ring and let us know. In cases of sickness and diarrhoea, the Health and Safety Guidelines state that a clear 48 hours must pass after the last symptoms before your child should return to the pre-school. If your child has been prescribed antibiotics, please […]

Holidays and Absence

If you are taking a holiday during term time, please let us know the dates your child will not be attending. Please inform us if your child is going to be absent for any period of time due to other circumstances. This enables the pre-school to reserve your child’s place until they return. If your […]

Fees and Funding

We take children with 30 hours funding if eligible. All children receive Government funding for 15 hours, from the term after their 3rd birthday. Funding for two year olds is available in this area, but if not eligible, sessional payments can be made. Once your child’s place is agreed, you will be liable for payments […]


It is important, for the comfort of your child, that all clothing is washable and easily managed. This is particularly important for those children expected to toilet themselves. Elasticated garments with as few buttons and zips as possible make life much easier for all the children, including those children who need to have a nappy […]


Our Behaviour Policy states that ‘No child should be allowed to make another’s life feel threatened or unpleasant. Children are taught to respect each others feelings and to care and share. Staff deal with any incidents of unwanted, unacceptable, anti-social behaviour fairly and firmly. If this behaviour continues, Mrs Burgess will invite the parents/carers to […]

Child Protection

At Tudor Cross Pre-School the Southend, Essex & Thurrock (SET) Guidelines are followed. Mrs Burgess is the named person responsible for child protection issues and any concerns can be discussed with her in confidence. In the event of any concerns by the pre-school staff, it is our fundamental duty to inform Social Services. However, such […]

Local Offer

We are a fully inclusive setting able to meet the needs of children with SEND. We have 3 trained SENCo staff, 2 of which have completed the Inclusion Development Programme. We have experience of supporting children with physical disabilities and allergies. We have 2 staff that have completed the ENCo training. All staff are DBS […]


Admissions   Children are admitted to the pre-school from 2 years on a fee paying basis. We do attempt to place all applicants. However depending on the numbers of places we have available, priority is given in the following order: 1. Children on the waiting list 2. Children recommended by Social Services 3. Children eligible […]

Sessional Times

Sessions Morning: 9am – 12pm Afternoon: 12:05pm – 3:05pm All day: 9am – 3:05pm For children attending a full day, you will need to provide a packed lunch including a drink.     Availability Funding available for 2 and 3 year olds for up to 30 hours per week if eligible. For more information: Telephone: […]